Courtesy:Charlene DeCesare ,
Lifehack Expert since Nov, 2015
1. Don’t go to every fight you’re invited to
when you’re around those who thrive on chaos, be willing to decline the
invitation to join in on the drama.
Focus on your breath
the day, stop to take a few deep breaths. Keep stress at bay with techniques
such as “square breathing.”
Breathe in for four counts, hold for four counts,
then out for four counts, and hold again for four counts. Repeat this cycle
four times.
3. Get organized and purge old items
cluttered space often creates a cluttered spirit. Take the time to get rid of
anything you haven’t used in a year and invest in organizational systems that
help you sustain a level of neatness.
4. Stop yourself from being judgmental
you are tempted to have an opinion about someone else’s life, check your
intentions. Judging others creates and promotes negative energy.
5. Say ‘thank you’ early and often
and end each day with an attitude of gratitude. Look for opportunities in your
daily routine and interactions to express appreciation.
6. Smile more
if you have to “fake it until you make it,” there are many scientific benefits of smiling and laughing.
Also, pay
attention to your facial expression when you are doing neutral activities such
as driving and walking. Turn that frown upside down!

7. Don’t worry about the future
difficult as this sounds, there is a direct connection between staying in the
present and living a more peaceful life. You cannot control the future. As the
old proverb goes, “Worry is like a rocking chair. It gives you something to do,
but it won’t get you anywhere.” Practice gently bringing your thoughts back to
the present.
8. Eat real food
closer the food is to the state from which it came from the earth, the better
you will feel in eating it. Choose foods that grew from a plant over food that
was made in a plant.
9. Choose being happy over being right
often, we sacrifice inner peace in order to make a point. It’s rarely worth it.
10. Keep technology out of the bedroom
studies, such as one conducted by Brigham and Women’s Hospital, have connected blue light of
electronic devices before bed to adverse sleep and overall health. To make
matters worse, many people report that they cannot resist checking email and
social media when their cell phone is in reach of their bed, regardless of the
11. Make use of filtering features on social media
may not want to “unfriend” someone completely, however you can choose whether you want to follow
their posts and/or the sources of information that they share.
12. Get comfortable with silence
you picture someone who is the ultimate state of peace, typically they aren’t
13. Listen to understand, not to respond
often in conversations, we use our ears to give us cues about when it is our
turn to say what we want to say. Practice active listening, ask questions,
process, then speak.
14. Put your troubles in a bubble
you start to feel anxious, visualize the situation being wrapped in a bubble
and then picture that sphere floating away.
15. Speak more slowly
a lack of peace manifests itself in fast or clipped speech. Take a breath, slow
down, and let your thoughtful consideration drive your words.
16. Don’t procrastinate
adds stress to our lives like waiting until the last minute.
17. Buy a coloring book
coloring books for adults are becoming more popular because of their connection
to creating inner peace.
18. Prioritize yourself
are the only person who you are guaranteed to live with 24 hours a day for the
rest of your life.
19. Forgive others
a grudge is hurting you exponentially more than anyone else. Let it go.
20. Check your expectations
often leads to drama. Remember the old saying, “Expectations are premeditated
21. Engage in active play
your inner child come out and have some fun. Jump, dance, play, and pretend!
22. Stop criticizing yourself
world is a hard enough place with more than enough critics. Your life is not
served well by being one of them.
23. Focus your energy and attention on what you want
words, and actions all create energy. Energy attracts like energy. Put out
what you want to get back.
24. Assign yourself “complaint free” days.
a conscious decision not to complain about anything for a whole day. It might
be harder than you think and the awareness will stick with you.
25. Surround yourself with people you truly enjoy being in the company
tend to be contagious, and not everyone’s is worth catching. Be judicious in
your choices.
26. Manage your money
concerns rank top on the list of what causes people stress. Take the time each
month to do a budget, calculate what you actually spend and sanity check that
against the money you have coming in.
27. Stop trying to control everything
only is your inner control freak sabotaging your sense of peace, it is also
likely getting in the way of external relationships as well.
28. Practice affirmations
positive phrases that depict the life and qualities you want to attract. It may
not come naturally to you, but it works.
29. Get up before sunrise
witnessing the dawn brings a unique sense of awe and appreciation for life.
30. Be yourself
creates more inner discord than trying to be something other than who we really
are. Authenticity breeds happiness.
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