Saturday, November 4, 2023


In  my earlier post  date 22.10.23 on Submission of Life Certificate by Government Pensioners, method of submission of Life Certificate through Face authentication technology was mentioned in brief. The procedure for the same is given below in detail for the benefit of Pensioners in India:

Every year in the month of November, pensioners are required to submit a life certificate or Jeevan Praman Patra. Therefore, the Government of India has introduced digital life certificates through a face recognition technology system to make the process simpler. The process is based on the Aadhaar certificate.

Jeevan Pramaan or the digital life certificate is a digital service that has biometric support in which pensioners can submit certificates online without visiting the office.                                                    

Now the government has created a face recognition technology system that allows access through android phones.                                 


  1. Download the Jeevan Pramaan face application on the mobile phone (as provided above).
  2. Download the AadhaarFaceRD app from the Google Play Store.
  3. The pensioners have to install the Jeevan Pramaan face application from the file downloads on their mobile.
  4. Open the Jeevan Pramaan face application and give the necessary permissions.
  5. Do the operator authentication and scan the face of the operator to open the application. The operator authentication is a one-time process, and the pensioners themselves can be the operators.  
  6. Fill in the pensioner details and scan the face of the pensioner. (The pensioners must scan their face in a frontal pose with neutral expression under proper lighting).
  7. Click on the ‘Submit’ button. The pensioners will receive a message on the mobile number with a link for downloading the DLC (Jeevan Pramaan).

Requirements for Downloading the Face Recognition App

The pensioners must ensure that they have the following requirements to download and use the Jeevan Pramaan face application:

  • Android smartphone version 7.0 and above.
  • Internet connection.
  • Aadhaar number registered with pension disbursing authority.
  • A camera resolution of 5 mp and above.

However, the Jeevan Pramaan face application is available only in India for Android devices. A biometric device is not necessary to use the app.                                                                                          

In the case of Pensioners who have already submitted Life Certificate digitally using Finger print recognition, pensioners need not give the details of PPO number, Disbursing authority etc. On entering Aadhar number, Mobile number and Email Id in Jeevan Pramaan App the details of pensioners will be displayed on Submitting and the pensioner has to confirm the details and scan face and submit. In the case of Pensioner who have not submitted LIfe Certificate digitally so far they have to register their details in Jeevaan Pramaan App.    

Link of a Power point presentation giving step by step guidelines with images is given below  



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