Monday, April 3, 2017

Great Tips Will Help Alleviate Back and Neck Pain!


Aside from a toothache, there is arguably nothing more annoying than back and neck pain. It can weigh you down at work, leave you sore in the evening, and make it very difficult to get to sleep at night. Chiropractors know a thing or two about treating back and neck pain, and they can provide some helpful tips about what to do and what not to do to prevent/alleviate this type of pain. 

Below are some top tips from masters of the trade that will enable you to put back and neck pain firmly in the rear view mirror.

1. Correct Sleeping Posture 

Sleeping in the right positions can do wonders for back and neck pain. Experienced chiropractors recommend never sleeping on your stomach. They state that the best way to sleep is on your back with a pillow under your head and neck area and another pillow under your knees. If you're the kind of person who cannot sleep unless you're on your side, a pillow between the knees is recommended.

2. Safe Lifting Techniques

When lifting heavy objects, chiropractors suggest that you bend at the knees, avoid twisting, keep your back straight, and lift with your arm and leg muscles, not your back muscles. Keep your feet shoulder-width apart, bend at the knees, and lift as you straighten up. When taking part in repetitive lifting activities, make sure to take regular breaks so that you don't mess up your technique due to fatigue.
3. Proper Phone Use
In this highly technological day and age, everyone is on their phones, and usually practicing bad posture while they're at it. As you text, search the web, watch videos, or scan social media sites, you are probably craning your neck down in a C-shape, with your chin close to resting on your chest. Chiropractors don't recommend this. Instead, they suggest that you hold the phone out with your hands at nearly eye-level, as craning your neck down to look at a low screen for extended periods of time is horrible for neck pain.

4. Use Car Headrests

We spend a lot of time in cars, traveling from place to place. So why not spend this time giving your neck some much-needed rest? According to chiropractors, resting your head on a car headrest will bring your head into a naturally comfortable position and will release any built-up tension in your overworked neck muscles.

5. Get the Right Mattress
Chiropractors state that having a mattress of medium firmness is a lot better for back and neck health. A mattress that is too hard can be rigid and unforgiving, while a mattress that is too soft will not offer enough support. Therefore, a mattress with medium firmness is best as it can help minimize any curvature of the spine during sleep.

6. Don't Crack Your Neck

Do you often pop or crack your neck? If so, we recommend that you stop, as chiropractors are strongly against it. Though it may feel like you are relieving pressure, in reality, you're probably just making it a whole lot worse. Popping or cracking your neck without chiropractic knowledge is likely to damage surrounding joints instead of fixing them.

7. Sit with Correct Posture

Posture is very important for back and neck health, whether you're standing, sitting, or sleeping. Try to sit up straight, but also avoid crossing your legs. Chiropractors recommend sitting with your feet flat on the floor, or flat on an elevated foot rest, reducing pressure on your lower back while you sit. Furthermore, if you're sitting at a computer for most the day, elevate the screen to eye level in order to promote good posture.

8.Keep Exercising

Activity is often the best medicine for back pain. “Simple exercises like walking can be very helpful,” Wilmarth says. “It gets people out of a sitting posture and puts the body in a neutral, upright position.”

But remember to move in moderation, Flippin says. “Stay away from strenuous activities like gardening and avoid whatever motion caused the pain in the first place.”

9.Apply Ice and Heat

Heating pads and cold packs can comfort tender trunks. Most doctors recommend using ice for the first 48 hours after an injury -- particularly if there is swelling — and then switching to heat.
But "it is difficult to say if ice or heat is more beneficial,” Flippin says. “I recommend that patients use whichever they find comforting as long as their skin is protected.”

10.Use Relaxation Techniques

Research shows that practices such as meditation, deep breathing, tai chi, and yoga, which help put the mind at rest, can do wonders for the back.
“If you can induce a relaxation response, it will help reduce the perceived pain level," Moroz says.

11. See a Specialist

Developing an individualized exercise plan is essential to managing chronic back pain, says D. Scott Davis, PT, MS, EdD, OCS, an orthopaedic physical therapist and associate professor at West Virginia University.

“There is no magic aspirin that addresses lower back pain in everyone,” Davis says. “Some patients need more core strengthening while others benefit mainly from stretching and improving flexibility. Find a physical therapist, exercise physiologist, or chiropractor who specializes in back care. They will match you with the right exercise plan.”
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1 comment:

  1. That is really good and useful post, these tips will surely help us to get rid of back and neck pain. Going to pass on the information with others, thank you for sharing it
