Thursday, October 6, 2011


This article on Password is re-posted with some revisions. 

Wikipedia's definition of a password as below:

"A password is a secret word or string of characters that is used for authentication, to prove identity or gain access to a resource (example: an access code is a type of password). The password must be kept secret from those not allowed access."

Passwords ensure the security and confidentiality of data that is stored on various workstations and servers

Passwords are one of the important things for any system. It will help you to maintain your identity so that others will not be able to view your account. You need to have a good password otherwise your password is likely to be hacked by others. Once they are successful in hacking your password they easily view your account. 

Generally, a password is made of many characters or digits and will not use any special character or a white space in between. In some systems passwords are case sensitive. Here you need to be extremely careful and remember to type the correct password accordingly. This is because some of the system will have some restriction and if you are mistyping the password repeatedly it is likely that your account will be denied access and you need to then go through the procedure that is in place in the system.

If you are going to choose a password which is not good then it means that your security of your account is not very good and there is always a fear that your account is going to be hacked and they will be able to access all the information that you have in your account. 

This is why it is stressed that the password that you choose should be good and a strong one. You need to realize the importance of having a strong password. 

Remember the password that you choose is only going to protect all the information that you have in your account. Keep this in your mind when you are selecting the password.


  • Use a password with mixed-case alphabets and special characters.
  • Change the password after initial log on without fail
  • change your password regularly
  • Use Passwords difficult to guess.use a password with 8 or more characters. More is better.
  • Store passwords in sealed envelopes and handover to the officer-in-charge wherever required.
  • Maintain secrecy of password
  • Your passwords should be as unique as you are.
  •  create different passwords for different accounts and applications.
  • For Password do not use related words like your user-ID, your first or last name, Spouse’s/ family member’s names, date of birth , vehicle numbers, telephone numbers, the brand of your vehicle, the name of the street you live on, 123123, etc.
  • Do not allow tracking of password while typing the password on keyboard.
  • Do not write Passwords on the desk/keyboard etc to remember /preserve
  • Do not lend Passwords/reveal passwords to others
  • Do not reset passwords without the user’s acknowledgement in the register maintained.
  • Do not pronounce the letters loudly while keying in the password
  • DON'T choose your username as your password.
  • DON’T Provide your password—or any of your sensitive or confidential information—over e-mail or instant message. 

Now watch this interesting video on "How to choose a Strong Password":