Saturday, June 25, 2011

Organizing your Life-First things first

We all have many things on our list to do and there doesn't seem to be enough time and energy to get it all done. Prioritizing is a way to solve this frustrating problem.

Prioritizing is about making choices. Here are ideas to help you prioritize.

1. To prioritize effectively, you need to be able to recognize what is important.

The important (high priority) tasks are based on what you value and those that help you achieve your goals and provide meaningful and rewarding long-term results. As you perform different tasks, think about where they fit on your priority list.

2. Making a list of all the tasks that need to be done is a good way to begin prioritizing.

Prioritize the items on the list by using the ABC method to rank your priorities. For example, Priority A: Must Do (crucial tasks and commitments to do today), Priority B: Should Do (important things that do not need to be done today), and Priority C: Nice to Do (least urgent tasks).

3. Do not think of your priorities as just jobs that need to be done.

As you remind yourself to direct yourself to the most important tasks first, you will find yourself letting go of tasks that really didn't need to be done at that time. For example, what's more important? Helping your child with homework or getting a load of laundry done?

4. Also take note of the difference between tasks that you NEED to do and those that you WANT to do. Deciding the order in which you prioritize tasks means you start with the needs first and move to the wants afterwards.

5. It has been said before, but learning to say 'no' is important.

Try focusing on the important things that will get done because you used that little word to decline a task that was not a part of your priorities. What are some of the things you should say 'no' to?

6. Interruptions are a normal part of life.

If you deal with a lot of interruptions in your life, this can put a damper on your priorities. Learn to limit the number of interruptions in your life.

7. Delegating tasks to someone else is a way to free up some of your time for the jobs that are important for you.

It may be tempting to take over if the work is not being done quite to your liking. However, you have to learn that done doesn't have to be perfect. Good enough is often just fine--like allowing your child to fold the laundry, even if it's not perfect.

8. Work on overcoming procrastination.

Procrastination can waste a lot of valuable time that could have been used for working on your priorities. When you catch yourself procrastinating, be sure to make the effort to take that first step toward completing the task at hand. Taking that first step will help get the ball rolling toward completion.

9. When you prioritize unplanned activities, keep in mind your goals and rely on your instincts.

Your effectiveness in prioritizing in these situations depends on the clarity of your goals.

10. When prioritizing, you need to be able to separate the tasks that need doing from the busy work that tends to eat away at your time. Many tasks that fill up your day may not need doing at all or could be done less frequently. Determine what that busy work is in your career and your life.

11. Priorities change as life changes. Revisit and update your priorities on a regular basis.

12. Keep in mind that everything in your life cannot be a priority.

There are many important things that will compete for attention over your lifetime and that there are not enough hours in that lifetime to give attention to everything that is good and worthwhile. You have to be selective.

13. Develop systems to help keep things running smoothly.

Many times that can be accomplished by using a personal calendar. In family settings, a master calendar is helpful.

14. Keep the option of 'buying time' in mind. If you have an extremely hectic schedule, it may be reasonable to buy time by selecting goods and services that save you from investing time. For example, paying a neighbor to mow your lawn is one way of buying time. What are other ways you can buy some time?

15. Use technology to help you prioritize tasks.

Sometimes an important task can be done more quickly with the use of technology. Instead of meeting an appointment in person, can you do it through a conference call or by e-mail?

16. When prioritizing, make sure to include deadlines for each task.

It will make tasks easier to prioritize and give you more focus.

17. Last, but certainly not least, you also need to be one of the priorities you set for yourself. It is important to take care of you and make time for yourself.

Longevity To-Dos for Your 60s

Live Well, Retire Well and Be Happy

Your 60s are a big decade. You may be putting your work life behind you and retiring. You may have more time to spend on yourself. This is a great time to create a "new you." This "new you" is focused on being healthy and feeling great. Make your retirement not about "resting" but about reaching your maximum health.

1. Not Too Late for a Healthy Lifestyle

Don't think that just because you are in your 60s, all your cards have been dealt when it comes to health. Changes you make now can significantly improve your health and, in some cases, reverse the damage that has been done in your younger years. One of the biggest longevity mistakes that people make is thinking it is "too late" for them. Getting your weight under control, eating lots of fruits and vegetables, exercising at least 2.5 hours a week and not
smoking will improve your health and longevity at any age.

2. Sex in Your Sixties

Sex is an important part of life, and of health. You can have an active, rewarding sex life your entire life. Some even say that a healthy sex life increase your life expectancy (as if you needed a reason). Learn about some of the issues around sex for men and women in their 60s, and take action to maintain a healthy, rewarding sex life.

3. Plan Your Brain's Retirement

Brains like problems. They like something to puzzle over and figure out. Brains love making new connections and learning. It keeps them healthy. Be sure to make your brain happy in retirement. Avoid routine and keep the brain supplied with new and challenging thoughts. From puzzles to learning new skills, more and more research shows that brain aging depends on constant intellectual stimulation for the brain. Take some courses, learn new things and stay smart.

4. Think Positively About Aging

If you can develop a positive attitude toward aging, you could add 7.5 years to your life according to some researchers. Having a positive attitude effects how your body deals with stress impacts your behaviors. Spend some time thinking about the positive aspects of age like wisdom and having more time for your own spiritual growth. See how many positive things about aging you can think up.

5. Master Medical Care

Not understanding your medications and treatments can increase your risk of death. Research has found that patients who do not ask questions or do not understand their medical conditions are at an increased risk of complications and death. Increase your chances of having a good utcome by asking your questions and taking the time to research your medical conditions until your fully understand them. It could save your life.

6. Screenings for Your 60s

By now you should be used to screenings make sure you keep going and getting everything checked in your 60s. It will start to seem like a lot of exams and tests, but those doctors' appointments can help detect illness early, when it can be treated easily. Make a commitment to keep up with the screening plan you develop with your doctor. Be find some way to make screenings fun bring a good book or give yourself a reward afterward. Adding just a little
bit of something to look forward will make it a lot easier to keep those appointments.

7. Plan Your Body's Retirement

Don't let your body retire when you do. Now that you have moved on from work and the kids have moved out, it is time to focus on your health. Sure, before you were busy and didn't have time to exercise and cook healthy, but you should have more control of time now. Use that time to undo some of the unhealthy things that you have done to your body. Lose weight, exercise and eat fruits and vegetables (it really can be that simple). Make a plan for your body during retirement. Keep your body busy and active. You'll feel better and live longer.

8. Hormones and Aging

Your hormones change as you age. Some people believe that these changes in hormones are what causes aging. The truth is more complicated. Before you look into hormone therapies, take some time to learn the facts about hormones and aging and be sure to talk to a doctor (who isn't selling anything) about how hormone supplements might be able to help you.

9. Use Your Time (and Not By Watching TV)

Retirement is about time having time to do what you want. Once you stop working, you gain at least 40 hours a week. Fantastic. But there is a danger -- TV. The average retired person watches over 4 hours of TV a day. That is time that could be spent exercising, socializing, cooking healthy foods and doing other things that you love. TV can become a habit in a matter of days. Take control of your time in retirement and use it to make yourself healthier and happier.

10. Retirement for Your Social Life

You've planned financially for retirement, but have you planned socially? Going from an active working environment to being home can be a tremendous social change. Make a plan for getting out and being with people on a regular basis. Social contact can improve health because interacting with people helps you manage emotions, stress, and helps you maintain good habits. Make a plan for how you want your social life to be in retirement and then act on.
Source Longevity Blog

By Mark Stibich, Ph.D., Guide to Longevity